Thursday, May 6, 2010

So...What's Photography All About?

Ah, There's the basic question! What's Photography?
An art? A science? A hobby? A process? The most expensive "Whatever"? lol... I would say it's all of it. To be more precise, photography means light drawing. Ah, when i say drawing i need something to draw on and something to draw with. Now these have undergone super advancements that photography has its own history, from its evolution to now.

Photography involves not just light but camera and film/memory card. With this one can capture images permanently. you call it sweet memories or evidence, photography is a revolution that helps in reliving moments through still images.

For beginners in photography, here is Vaidyanathan's perspective on photography! Vaidyanathan is the winner of ¨It happens only in Bangalore¨ theme in the recently concluded Bengaluru Infinite 2010 photography contest. I borrowed this excerpt from his interview on

Photography is so much more than taking pictures, it’s my way of connecting with people, it’s my way of inner happiness. The happiness you see in people’s faces when they ask you if you are from the press and if their photo would make it to the front-page tomorrow is something so valuable that it is difficult for me to say the truth about my hobby. Photography is a way to capture a moment in time which is never ever going to come back again ! I can go on about the philosophical aspect, but practically speaking, I think everyone is a learner, there is so much to learn, but without any deadline ! that’s the best part, you don’t have to hurry to learn photography, keep learning it little by little. Initially, Importance should be given to the physics behind photography, understanding the terms and looking at them practically. After that it’s all about composition and your good luck :) You never know when something interesting would come up before you, it’s about keeping your eyes open and capturing that moment! never ever stick to the “best practices”! Try out different things and that’s the only way you’ll be content with the art called Photography

Oh yes! A little bit of physics makes photography much more fun because u know how it works!

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