Sunday, October 16, 2011

Cochin 2011 - PART 2

Most of my focus was on "interesting subjects". This is a very subjective eye to photography, that I am talking about. What is interesting to me may not appeal to anyone else. As much as people, I had a very subjective eye to few elements which I found was interesting or had a feature touch to it. it could include landscapes, people, objects or even an 'interesting lighting on something' random.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Cochin 2011 - PART 1

Hey all,

Nice to find an opportunity to log in to upload pictures after ages. Actually, I haven't done much photography since my previous post on my FM10. Like many of you know, i don't consider mobile phone photography. and I am still not out of the "Romance of Film". But whats contradictory yet a surprise is that I found a desire in me for a DSLR; simply because film economics does limit imagination. Otherwise FM10 continues to be my first love in photography.

Thanks to my colleagues who encouraged me to accompany students for a so-called educational tour to Cochin. Whether it was a wise decision or not for a variety of personal reasons, I loved the trip for a chance it offered me to do photography...good time with my camera I must say! and of course, It was a good learning experience and memorable for a lot of fun.

As earlier, I did make a mistake... I shot a 100 ASA film on a 200 ASA setting... but not bad...Thanx to the processing wala...

This time, It was not exactly excursion photography or travel photography; though it might partly overlap. I chose subjects i found interesting, mostly people.