Sunday, October 16, 2011

Cochin 2011 - PART 2

Most of my focus was on "interesting subjects". This is a very subjective eye to photography, that I am talking about. What is interesting to me may not appeal to anyone else. As much as people, I had a very subjective eye to few elements which I found was interesting or had a feature touch to it. it could include landscapes, people, objects or even an 'interesting lighting on something' random.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Cochin 2011 - PART 1

Hey all,

Nice to find an opportunity to log in to upload pictures after ages. Actually, I haven't done much photography since my previous post on my FM10. Like many of you know, i don't consider mobile phone photography. and I am still not out of the "Romance of Film". But whats contradictory yet a surprise is that I found a desire in me for a DSLR; simply because film economics does limit imagination. Otherwise FM10 continues to be my first love in photography.

Thanks to my colleagues who encouraged me to accompany students for a so-called educational tour to Cochin. Whether it was a wise decision or not for a variety of personal reasons, I loved the trip for a chance it offered me to do photography...good time with my camera I must say! and of course, It was a good learning experience and memorable for a lot of fun.

As earlier, I did make a mistake... I shot a 100 ASA film on a 200 ASA setting... but not bad...Thanx to the processing wala...

This time, It was not exactly excursion photography or travel photography; though it might partly overlap. I chose subjects i found interesting, mostly people.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Since July & Now: Miscellaneous & Beyond


This post is more of a sequel to my previous post...

Few shots are from Mylapore...Many shots are from Devakottai... A municipal town in Sivagangai District.

In spite of colour, people, their culture and a lot more that these places have to offer, what caught my attention more were a few abstract subjects.

Somehow, abstracts interest me. It gives a scope for subjective interpretation and justifies each one of it in its own way.

Most subjects here doors, windows, walls etc...

This was shot at Mylapore...How protected the bike is? Hvent come across such an interesting parking space...may be it is a creative result of space constraint.

One of my favorite perspective shots from Devakottai. This is the side wall of a Vinayaka temple.

The following two pictures are those of JAYARAM VILAS...this is the only house in Mylapore's R.K. MUtt Rd which has a reference to its yesteryear name: Broadi's road...

The following picture intesrests me for its bright red colour...certainly a good example for dominance and complimentary colours...